Prophit Systems
People Services

Business and Supply Chains are dynamic and changing constantly. It is often said that People are a business’s biggest asset. As part of our Prophit Systems Customer Success Program, we have identified common pain points and developed coaching programs and mentoring frameworks to develop your teams skills and efficacy.
We see Planning teams constantly being short staffed, time poor and unable to achieve the results they desire.

Here's some reasons we see every day...

new starters or current staff have knowledge gaps

teams are stuck in the detail and missing the "Big Picture" as the business has changed

processes aren't being followed and there is no time to document them

resource gaps impeding your planning activities

planning tools are being underutilised and/or spreadsheets are misaligned and out of control

missing KPI measures e.g. schedule adherence, performance to plan and forecast accuracy metrics

poor forecast accuracy

production plans that are not optimised

inventory that is blowing out

reporting that is no longer fit for purpose and needs a "refresh"

We solve
your needs by

providing "one on one" training and education and assist in handover to the incoming planners

tailoring an Integrated Business Planning education program for your team

preparing your process documentation

providing people to assist with process and system improvements

developing a plan to focus on the system ensuring it is still fit for purpose

developing a clearly defined set of quantifiable KPI's


supporting and training your planning team in ways to optimise and improve your forecasting

reviewing and reconfiguring your scheduling framework (production sequencing and product clustering)

reviewing your inventory holding guidelines and policies

designing and developing tailored reports to meet your business requirements


At Prophit we

Provide a fresh set of expert eyes and take the time to understand the way you work and know how you can improve

Take "best practice" and bring it to life. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and situation

Offer a range of planning tools that are tailored to suit your business

We can undertake a comprehensive
Supply Chain Opportunity Assessment

Step 1: Investigate & Diagnose
Using our Prophit assessment tools we investigate your systems and processes to diagnose the problem
Step 2: Plan
Based on the diagnosis we workshop and develop an action plan with clear objectives
Step 3: Execute
We work with you and your team to deliver on the agreed objectives to make the changes stick

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