Rough Cut - Fast Cut Capacity Planning
Convert strategy into action

Prophit Rough Cut (Fast Cut Capacity Planning) (Prophit RCCP) is designed to model all resources and cost drivers to deliver capacity plans quickly and with the least number of assumptions possible. Prophit RCCP is designed to align your plans with your business strategies and enables your executive team to be fully and easily informed by notoriously time-poor planners.


Prophit RCCP is designed to be integrated with your existing ERP system. Where capacity constraints are not modelled in your ERP system, Prophit RCCP can be configured to model these constraints to ensure that all cost drivers are included in the process.

What it delivers:

Insights into overall plan capacity and includes backlog and excess capacity

A view into crewing capacity with skills categories

Understanding of tooling capacity

Understanding of assembly hours in a particular cell or bottleneck processes

Overview of testing cell capacity

Understanding of the number of engineering hours needed to configure the final product to customer’s specifications

Overview of internal & external warehouse space and freight requirements

Insight into supplier demand

Understanding of additional cost drivers

Work order quantity adjustment

Scenario saving

KPI guidance and material requirement planning

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